Gameplay is fun and interesting take on the puzzle battle genre. Very refreshing.
The game isn’t well paced and quickly rushes you into harder battles in which you either must grind heavily to compete or pay for a chance to get a good unit. The events are hard to get into as they require high leveled units at the beginning. Grinding for perfect stars or for unit shards is boring and tedious work.
The UI is one of the worst I have ever used. The home button will give you a heads up saying there are things to check, but once you are at the home page you will need to search for what it wants you to check.
This game has potential and seems fun, but at the moment is more tedious than fun and I doubt it will be supported after the movie dies out.
Also add a speed up option for battles as animations take long to play out.
Zombie 44 about Pacific Rim: Breach Wars Game, v1.3.1